There are many qualities that Nabokov suggests one must have to be a good reader. The four major qualities he focuses on are: having a good imagination, memory, artistic sense and having a dictionary. Nabokov also claims that a good reader is someone who rereads stories to better understand them. I do agree with some of the qualities that he suggests, but not all of them. I think that having a good memory and keeping a dictionary handy are two good qualities that can be effective when reading. Without memory reading obviously will be challenging. You need memory to be able to think back on the story and analyze it, or better understand it. Dictionaries can be helpful to look up unfamiliar words to know exactly what the author is trying to say. When it comes to imagination and artistic sense, I feel those are not necessary for every type of literature. Having those qualities will often times make the book more interesting and pull you more into the story, but I don’t think they are always necessary to have. Often times when I am reading a speech or presentations I don’t use my imagination or artistic senses to better understand the passage. In my opinion the number one quality to being a good reader is to be interested in the book or passage. Not being interested in a story can instantly distracts you and quickly pulls you right out of a story. There have been multiple times where I have been reading a story and soon find myself at the end of a page and I don’t know what had happened. I consider myself to be a terrible reader. I have never been too big on reading book so I feel I lack a lot of qualities when it comes to reading. Memory and the occasional use of a dictionary did help throughout some of my reading experiences but nothing compares to the effects of connecting with a story and being brought deep inside it to fully understand everything within it.